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Creative Business Transformation

The Creative Business Transformation Lions celebrate the creativity that drives businesses forward – creative transformation that changes thinking, buying and behaviour.

The work should demonstrate how creative change has been achieved across core business functions and has delivered a positive impact and growth for business, staff or stakeholders. This could include, but not be limited to, the reinvention of operations and stakeholder experiences, the innovative use of technology and business design and the creation of new products and services in order to generate transformative change.


A number of criteria will be considered during judging, weighted as follows: 30% strategy & process; 35% experience & implementation; 35% business results & impact.

The same piece of work can be entered up to four times in Creative Business Transformation.

For Creative Business Transformation Lions the eligibility dates are 08 February 2022 - 10 April 2025 where the transformation being judged was first implemented within the eligibility period, except for category 'E01 End-End Transformation', which has an eligibility period of 08 February 2020 - 10 April 2025, and category 'F01 Long-Term Brand Platform', which must have been in the market for at least 3 years.

All case films, films, demo films and original content must be subtitled in English.