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Kiyon Samavat

Kiyon Samavat

Kiyon Samavat

Awards Engagement Lead


Speaking at

Tuesday 18 June, 13:45 - 14:15

Inside the Jury Room: Print & Publishing Lions


Kiyon Samavat leads the Awards Engagement team at LIONS, delivering inspiration, knowledge, and support to companies entering their work into LIONS Festivals by highlighting best practices and insights from past winners and Jury members. An expert on all-things Awards, Kiyon and his team have a wealth of experience in the entry process, categories, and the rules, and support entrants year-round with their entry journeys for Cannes Lions, Eurobest, Dubai Lynx, and Spikes Asia.

Before Lions, Kiyon spent 8 years in Magaing Director, Business Director and Creative Planner roles in Independent Creative, Digital, Entertainment and Production agencies, in London and Los Angeles.