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Laila Mignoni

Laila Mignoni

Laila Mignoni

Vice President Global Creative Communications


Speaking at

Friday 21 June, 10:30 - 11:00

Inside the Jury Room: Creative Effectiveness Lions


Laila is the Global Vice President of Creative at Bacardi, leading brand creative excellence across its portfolio. Originally from Morocco, Laila has lived and worked in Bermuda, Spain, Germany, the U.K., France, and the U.S., making her a true internationalist.

After graduating from La Sorbonne in Paris with a Master’s of Arts, Laila spent over 10 years working in agencies before moving to Bacardi to lead brand marketing strategy. Now based in New York and Bermuda, she has driven significant volume and sales growth for Bacardi through innovative consumer communication and relevance-building.

Laila has shaped some of Bacardi’s most celebrated work, earning it the title of ‘Most Creatively Awarded Global Brand’ in the spirits industry. She recently led the 'Music Liberates Music' platform, supporting underrepresented voices in the music industry.

Laila embraces complexity and new challenges, always seeking to push Bacardi and her team to the next level.