See It Be It announces applications opening for the 2023 programme

12 January 2023

Cannes Lions has announced the news that the See It Be It programme, which aims to support creative female talent from across the global industry and accelerate them into senior creative roles, is now open for applications. A total of 16 places are available for this year’s accelerator programme, in partnership with Verizon, which will take place at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity between 19-23 June 2023.

The See It Be It talent programme was founded in 2014 by Cannes Lions with the mission to achieve equal gender representation of creative directors and leaders across the global industry. See It Be It participants will attend an exclusive programme of events, workshops and mentoring with some of the most respected leaders in the industry. To date, over 100 women have taken part in See It Be It, and many alumni have progressed into leadership positions, won Lions Awards and become Cannes Lions jurors.

Commenting on the 2023 launch, Madonna Badger, See It Be It Chairperson, Founder/CEO/COO, BADGER AGENCY said “It’s a privilege to be a part of the See It Be It initiative, I absolutely love how the program is making a difference with practical, do-able ways to change the narrative, achieve equality and get more women into creative leadership. I get to know the potential future for many women creatives in the global advertising industry. It is a joy and an honour to see the world through their eyes. This initiative changes their perceptions of the creative communities they are in, as well as the important role they play. What one woman brings back can change the lives of countless others in their communities. It’s incredibly powerful.

In addition to the cohort launch, Cannes Lions has also announced new core values to underpin the See It Be It programme and will make applying for the programme more accessible for all:

People who are already making an impact in their own community.
Someone with an eagerness to be 'part of something' and carry the SIBI learnings back to their own network. We want people who will raise other women up as well as succeed themselves. We want people who are connectors, and will build relationships.

People who love being a creative.
They understand the wider creative ecosystem and are proud that they are part of this industry. They don’t have to be award winners but need to want to create award-winning work, and are enthusiastic about creative work and the power creativity has for business.

People who have that internal spirit of self-empowerment and self-development. They have taken their career into their own hands and are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves and elevate the status and achievements of the industry.

Applications to See It Be It are open to all women, trans-identifying and non-binary people. Applicants must be mid to senior level in advertising, marketing, filmmaking, innovation, editorial, design, PR or related disciplines and can apply here. Applications close on 13 February 2023.

If you'd like to apply, but don't fit the eligibility criteria, please get in touch at to discuss your options.