The State of Creative Effectiveness

LIONS, WARC and The Effectiveness Partnership launched the results of a new survey in June, based on a global study of marketing professionals - The State of Creative Effectiveness. The whitepaper took a deep dive into confidence levels in marketing effectiveness in the industry and while the findings are astonishing, they are also not surprising.

The Facts

The study has revealed that 89% of all professional marketers say they find the commercial aspect of marketing sometimes or always hard to understand. Two thirds of marketers say they struggle to understand the contribution of marketing to the bottom line. Which, ultimately, is the one thing their jobs depend on. Additionally, 43% find making the case for creativity in the boardroom ‘frequently’ or ‘always’ very challenging. These eye-opening statistics are hindering creativity and in a tough economic climate, with the shadow of recession looming, not understanding the basics of Effectiveness is a major challenge marketers face.

What does this mean in practice?

LIONS, WARC and The Effectiveness Partnership, joined forces to bring a new solution - Creative Strategy for Effectiveness - to the industry. This framework is designed so that strategic thinking is applied across all goals, from upstream to downstream and offers guidance for how to meet these challenges head on.

The Creative Strategy for Effectiveness helps brand teams develop marketing and activation strategies that are more commercially focused, guided and supported by robust evaluation that connects directly to the strategy. As a result, this ensures a stronger alignment and clarity across all stakeholders from the C-suite through to marketing, creative and media agencies. It ensures that business objectives will be accomplished, and creativity can flourish – effectively.

Why is this important?

The landscape marketers operate in today has drastically changed, external factors such as Covid-19, inflation and a possible recession, have made it even more challenging to be creative and to be successful at it.

The State of Creative Effectiveness, lays out the context for effectiveness today, and sets the global benchmarks for the state of the industry as it currently stands. Crucially, It also points the way towards what needs to be done to rise to the challenge.

Effectiveness is important. We all know we need to be better at it but few of us feel satisfied with our ability to do what is necessary competently and with confidence. Download the whitepaper here and take the next step in becoming part of the solution.

To find out more about our consultancy offering, please reach out to Nicola Tillin.