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Our Festival representatives are here to help you engage with Cannes Lions.

About our Representatives network

Cannes Lions has a network of Representatives across the globe. They serve as champions for creativity in their respective corners of the world. Our Representatives support local agencies and clients with making the most of their Cannes Lions experience, before Cannes, in Cannes and afterwards. They often report from Cannes day-by-day and bring a slice of Cannes Lions home with them, producing local events, Lions Nights and local awards ceremonies.

Find your Representative using our directory (below).

How the Representatives help Cannes Lions

1. Nominating jury members
Each year, Representatives identify their market's best creative talent and nominate exemplary industry members for places in the Cannes Lions Juries, ensuring the most qualified, balanced judging panels.

2. Organising Young Lions teams
Representatives organise local competitions to select teams of budding industry stars to go forward to take part in the seven Young Lions competitions and the Roger Hatchuel Academy live in Cannes.

3. Hosting Local Award Shows
Following the annual Festival, Representatives organise local celebrations, honouring the winners from Cannes Lions.

4. Screenings of the work
If you didn't get a chance to come to Cannes or catch all the winners while you were there, your Representative will get you up to speed. Screenings of the work give you a chance to check out all the winning work.

5. Answer questions
Your Representative is available to answer questions, help you to register as a delegate or enter your work. If they don’t know the answer, they can refer you to the best people to help in the Cannes Lions Festival team.

The Representatives Directory

Find your local Rep

Browse our list of official Festival Representatives to find out more about local support and activities.

Market Representatives Company
Argentina Mariano Suez and Carolina Suez Filmsuez
Australia Tony Hale and Rachael Hoy Advertising Council Australia
Austria Lisa Asmus and Kathrin Feher ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG
Azerbaijan Orkhan Karim and Farhad Shabanov Endorphin
Bangladesh Sajid Mahbub and Shariful Islam Bangladesh Brand Forum
Belgium Nadia Akchich and Frederik Braem Brightfish
Bolivia Henry Medina Pineda Arce
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kanita Alić Branding Conference
Brazil Clelia Salgado and Paulo Pessoa Estadão
Bulgaria Tanya Yordanova Bulgarian Association of Communications Agencies
Canada Marcin Zerek and Janette Mannette The Globe and Mail
Chile Carolina Banfi, Carolina Suez and Mariano Suez Fimsuez Chile
Mainland China Aegean Lijuan DAI and Kim Xiani MU China Advertising Association
Colombia Eliana Rivadeneira and Paula Feged Slide Depot
Costa Rica Mauricio Garnier Comunidad de Empresas de Comunicación Comercial de Costa Rica
Croatia Dunja Ivana Ballon HURA
Cyprus Christiana Paschalides Cyprus Communication Agencies Association
Czech Republic René Jež Lionhearted
Denmark Dorte Nielsen and Niels Heilberg Creative Circle Denmark
Dominican Republic Carlos Suarez and Johanna Peguero
Ecuador Melissa Uscocovich and Giovanna Verdaguer El Universo
Egypt Mai Salama and Neamat Khalil The Worx
El Salvador Elizabeth Minero Asociación Salvadoreña de Agencias de Publicidad - ASAP
Estonia Marika Jahilo, Kerstin Kessu Raidma and Liina Jasmin Northern Lights Group
Finland Maarit Aarrekangas Marketing Finland
France Isabelle Guillotin and Caroline Fontaine AACC
Georgia Ako Akhalaia and Levan Lepsveridze Cannes Lions Georgia
Germany Moritz Weischer and Clara Katharina Glaeser Weischer
Ghana Isaac Cudjoe Advertising Association of Ghana
Greece Maria Kantza and Alexandros Karmas EDEE
Guatemala Carol Ladd and Manuel Madrid COMUNIDAD GUATEMALA
Honduras Fernando Mass and Analu Mass
Hong Kong SAR, China Onie Chu The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong
Hungary Diana Csizmadia and Blaskó Nikolett MAKSZ
India Sagnik Ghosh, Partha P Sinha, Rakesh Thakur and Shambhavi Mishra Bennett Coleman and Co. Ltd (The Times of India Group)
Indonesia Svida Alisjahbana and Tasya Permana GCM Group
Ireland Siobhán Masterson and Katherine Ryan IAPI
Israel Yigal Baron Israeli Advertising Association
Italy Caroline Yvonne Schaper, Carla Leveratto and Karim Bartoletti ADCI
Japan Osamu Mitsuoka & Tomoki Nonaka Nikkei Inc
Jordan Zeid Nasser MediaScope Ltd.
Kazakhstan Askhat Uskembayev A-3 School of Creative Bravery
Kenya Emuron Alemu The Quollective
Kuwait Iqbal AlHaddad International Advertising Association Kuwait Chapter
Lebanon Yasser Akkaoui and Maguy Ghorayeb Newsmedia sal – Executive Magazine
Lithuania Gabrielė Burbienė and Tomas Balžekas 15min group
Malaysia Professor Harmandar Singh and Ruby Lim Sledgehammer Communications
Mauritius Ravin Lama and Bhawana Maskey Mind Initiatives Ltd.
Mexico Gerardo Lara González and José Luis Jáuregui Castañeda Reforma
Mongolia Altanbagana Shiituu and Oyungerel Munkhjargal Mongolian Marketing Association
Nepal Ravin Lama The Himalayan Times
Aotearoa New Zealand Simon Lendrum Commercial Communications Council
Nigeria Nnamdi Ndu CHINI Africa
North Macedonia Boris Eftimovski Marketing365
Norway Gareth Williams and Julie B. Nielsen CAPA Kinoreklame AS
Pakistan Sarmad Ali and Imran Zaman Jang Media Group
Panama Gabriel Barletta Star5 Creative
Paraguay Mariano Suez and Carolina Suez Filmsuez
Peru Marysienka Miró Quesada and Cesar Fernandez Palacios Grupo El Comercio
Poland Pawel Tyszkiewicz and Daniel Kuber SAR
Portugal Ana Paula Costa and Vasco Perestrelo MOP - Multimédia Outdoors Portugal - Publicidade, S.a.
Puerto Rico Sajo Ruiz and Rachelle Whitten Asociación Publicitaria de Puerto Rico
Romania Teodora Migdalovici The Alternative School for Creative Thinking
Saudi Arabia Fadi Mroue SRMG International
Serbia Stana Sehalic and Vanda Kucera UEPS, Serbian Communication Association
Singapore Bernard Chan, Kathy Tan and Tristine Lim AAMS
Slovak Republic Silvia Cyprichová and Alexander Smik Ad Awards Association s.r.o.
Slovenia Mojca Briščik Slovenian Advertising Chamber
South Africa Lynne Wylie Ster-Kinekor Theatres
South Korea Sungbok LEE, Innes EUN and Dajeong YU A&F Korea
Spain Kika Samblas and Cesar Vacchiano SCOPEN
Sweden Josephine Frigge, Linda Nilsson and Charlotte Norman Sveriges Kommunikationsbyråer
Switzerland Moritz Weischer and Clara Katharina Glaeser Weischer
Taiwan Jacqueline Lai and Shen Sheng-Syun Kleinerfisch
Thailand Siwapark Jianwanalee The Cloud
The Netherlands Kerrie Finch and Kyra Roest Orange Lions
The Philippines Vanne Tomada 4AS Philippines
Tunisia Khaled Aouij and Abir Fares PROSDELACOM
Turkey Nazli Selin Ozkan Kapital Medya Hizmetleri A.S.
Uganda Elizabeth Naturinda and Rommel Jasi Uganda Advertising Association
Ukraine Irina Kuznetsova and Konstantin Kuznetsov
United Arab Emirates Avinash Udeshi and Sahal Valliyot Motivate Val Morgan Cinema Advertising FZ LLC
United Kingdom Phoebe Sallitt Advertising Association
Uruguay Mariano Suez and Carolina Suez Filmsuez
USA Amy Tunick National CineMedia
U.S. Hispanic Francisco Vargas and Bettina Abascal Circulo Creativo
Uzbekistan Askhat Uskembayev
Venezuela Roberto Pol and Alberto Chumaceiro
Vietnam Phạm Thị Diệu Anh AIM Academy