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The PR Lions celebrate the craft of strategic and creative communication.

The work should demonstrate how original thinking, transformative insight and a strategy rooted in earned media have influenced opinion and driven progress and change in business, society or culture. The work should have storytelling at its core and establish, protect and enhance the reputation and business of an organisation or brand.


A number of criteria will be considered during judging, weighted as follows: 20% idea; 30% PR strategy; 20% PR execution; 30% impact and results.

The same piece of work can be entered up to four times in PR. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. PR: Sectors’.

The work in Section E: Excellence in PR Craft can only be submitted and paid for by independent PR agencies or companies owned by a PR network or independent PR network. The same piece of work can be entered only once in each category within this section.

All case films, films, demo films and original content must be subtitled.