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Accordion QA Test

CTA label

Inaugural Luxury & Lifestyle Lions awarded

This year’s Festival introduced a Lion that provides a global benchmark for brands in the luxury space. The Luxury & Lifestyle Lions celebrate the most impactful creative work that’s changing business models and setting a new creative standard for a market in flux. The first recipients of the Award have been announced.

See the results

Title of section header goes here section header goes here section header goes here section header goes here section header goes here section header goes here section header goes here

Body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here body copy of section header goes here

Official Yacht Partners


The community is disrupting the purchase cycle, from linear to an infinity loop.

Sofia Hernandez

Global Head of Business Marketing


Application process

You can submit your application through the LIONS Competition platform. Your application should include the following:

  • an answer (250 words max.) to the following prompt: Describe what creativity means to you
  • a video (2 minutes max.), recorded in English, telling us who you are and why you deserve a space in the Academy
  • a character reference (250 words max) by your employer, your company's talent officer, a senior executive of your company or a previous LIONS Academy graduate.

Applications for the LIONS Scholarship 2024 are now closed.


Simon Testing Test Target attribute

One line

Two Line

Three line Simon changed

CTA label

QA Feature Panel Test

This is the copy, QA Feature Panel Test Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur

CTA button with asset


We will have photographers on site, but we can’t guarantee that all Talks will be captured.

If you’d like to have your own personal photographer capture your Talk, please email the content operations team with the details and we can arrange for them to be granted access to the Talk only.

If you’d like to have a photographer there beyond your Talk, we can put you in contact with the Press and PR team, as your photographer will need to register for press accreditation.

Press at Cannes Lions

QA Group of Feature Panel



We will have photographers on site, but we can’t guarantee that all Talks will be captured.

If you’d like to have your own personal photographer capture your Talk, please email the content operations team with the details and we can arrange for them to be granted access to the Talk only.

If you’d like to have a photographer there beyond your Talk, we can put you in contact with the Press and PR team, as your photographer will need to register for press accreditation.

Press at Cannes Lions

PR at Cannes

Members of the global media frequently contact us to request interviews with Speakers, either before or during the Festival. Please ensure you provide your press and PR details on the ‘Contact details’ tab of the Speaker Portal to help us facilitate these requests for publicity and the promotion of your Talk.

To find out which international media are registered to attend the Festival, please contact

Press Centre

At the Festival, you’ll find the Press Centre on level 4 of the Palais. This is where every press conference will be held across the week.

The Press Centre is only accessible with a Press Pass. The Press Centre is also home to the Lions Daily News office.

To access the Press List, please email us at so we can add you to the distribution list.


Session hosts must provide us with a thumbnail image to display their talk on our on-demand platform, Love The Work.

Thumbnail Guidelines are available below, and you must submit them on the Speaker Portal. The deadline for your Thumbnail is 31 May 2024.

This image should represent your talk but should not feature the company logo. The team will review everything before being published.

Please note it is your responsibility to ensure you are happy with the information and your session’s visual image before saving it on the Speaker Portal.

Cannes Lions Thumbnails Guidelines

It has to be heinz

This is the subtitle field

This is the caption field

QA TESt: I’ve placed my order, but I can’t find accommodation that suits my needs. Can you help?

Accommodation in Cannes during the Cannes Lions Festival sells out quickly. We highly recommend that you place your order(s) and book your room(s) as early as possible to avoid disappointment. bnetwork has a team dedicated to assisting Cannes Lions delegates – so if you have any questions, please contact them here.

CTA button

QA Image Block test with video - when you include an image with a video, play then stop the video, scroll up and down on the page, the video automatically plays again...The video should not automatically play when it has been paused/stopped


This is the caption

Section header test

Section header copy.... who will win the NRL grandfinal this Sunday 6th between the Panthers and Melbourne Storm?

Primary CTA buttonSecondary CTA button

The experience at Cannes gave me significant visibility & credibility with senior management. But most importantly, it challenged my creative standards in everything I do.

Rita Sitges

Senior Brand Manager, Max Factor

QA Group of defaultAvatar (4 cards)


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom

QA Group of defaultAvatar (3 cards)


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom

QA Group of defaultAvatar (2 cards)


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom

QA Group of defaultAvatar (1 card)


Simon defaultProfile


Simon defaultProfile

Captain Adventure


Australia and United Kingdom

🗂 This is an example of a "Table - Key Dates" 🗂



19 February 2024

Speaker Registration Goes Live

4 March 2024

Speaker Listing Announced

2 April 2024

Festival Programme Launch




6 May 2024

Speaker T&Cs due


13 May 2024

Presentation Draft Deadline


20 May 2024

Trailers Deadline - It's important that we ensure the Trailers are there!

27 May 2024

Technical Rider Deadline

Require more information. Sales team is chasing the rep

C01. Research, Data & Analytics

Provide evidence of how the research, insight and use of data enhanced the campaign output.

  • Data and/or insights gathering and interpretation
  • Data Targeting
  • Data and/or insight integration and impact

The word limit for this section is 150 words.

This question is compulsory for C01.

Some of the brands that attended Cannes Lions in 2024


Text block font

Heading one

Heading two

Heading three

Normal text

Bold text

Italic text

Simon Text Block divider

This is the subtitle


This is the Title and contain up to a maximum of 256 characters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium egestas justo eget gravida. Sed pretium ipsum malesuada, ornare mauris eu, luctus tellus. Aenean tortor nulla* END

This is the subtitle

The "prefix label" is 28 END

The title field can contain up 65 characters max & show all** END

This is the description field and will contain 190 characters maximum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium egestas justo eget gravida. Sed pret END
CTA button label


Unparalleled networking

Talk to the decision-makers that matter, and build partnerships with people ready to push growth. Whether you’re looking for clients, team members or mentors, make it count in Cannes.
Learn more


Fast-tracked learning

Young Lion or CMO, our learning initiatives support you at every stage of your career. And with specialist programmes happening at the heart of the Festival, you’ll unlock your creative.
Learn more

This is prefix label and is 40 chars END

This is the title field and can contain up to 256 characters Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium egestas Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium egestas Lorem ipsum dolor* END

Description field: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium egestas justo eget gravida. Sed pretium ipsum malesuada, ornare mauris eu, luctus tellus. Aenean tortor nulla, interdum vitae pulvinar a, luctus ac ex. Quisque non ultrices ipsum. Maecenas dictum lacus eu lectus iaculis, eget feugiat metus lacinia. Phasellus eu commodo magna, ut efficitur lacus. Phasellus eu sapien nunc. Suspendisse gravida consequat magna, a maximus augue ultrices id. Phasellus interdum, nunc at aliquet ultrices, neque augue tempus elit, at bibendum arcu orci et ligula. Aenean laoreet eleifend sapien, non scelerisque elit mollis vel. Proin id luctus velit. Nunc posuere nulla mi, in aliquam sem sollicitudin et. Morbi posuere rutrum tellus, id ultrices urna. Donec sem ligula, malesuada in sem euismod, varius laoreet elit. Ut ac condimentum dui.

CTA label button

Welcome Kadyrai

Welcome Kadyrai

QA Image Block test - when you include an image with a video, play then stop the video, scroll up and down on the page, the video automatically plays again...The video should not automatically play when it has been paused/stopped

Subtitle goes here for the image and what will happen when it goes over all these lines we will have to see

CAPTION goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines

Test image block - Choose a value

Subtitle goes here for the image and what will happen when it goes over all these lines we will have to see

CAPTION goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines

Test image block - Default

Subtitle goes here for the image and what will happen when it goes over all these lines we will have to see

CAPTION goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines caption goes here and it can go over multiple lines

Flags showing Cannes Lions, the Home of Creativity

Testing Horizontal (Feature Panel) card

This the first line of text to read:

  • one bullet point
  • two bullet points
  • Three bullet points

Carousel of Article cards

CTA label

First winners for 2024 announced

First winners for 2024 announced

Cannes Lions and timeTo launch Celebrating Safely

2024 LIONS Creativity Report Rankings released

Pre Footer Banner

Our dedicated Awards Expert are on hand to offer guidance on eligibility dates, which categories you can enter your work into, material requirements or any Lion-specific queries you may have

Primary ButtonSecondary Button